- <%@//Script头、过程和函数定义
- program codes;
- %>
- <%!//声明变量
- var
- i,lp: integer;
- FileName, RelativePath, FromPath, ErrStr: string;
- json: TminiJson;
- FS: TFileStream;
- function GetOneDirFileInfo(Json: TminiJson; Path: string): string;
- var
- Status: Integer;
- SearchRec: TSearchRec;
- json_sub: TminiJson;
- begin
- Path := PathWithSlash(Path);
- SearchRec := TSearchRec.Create;
- Status := FindFirst(Path + '*.*', faAnyFile, SearchRec);
- try
- while Status = 0 do
- begin
- if SearchRec.Attr and faDirectory = faDirectory then
- begin
- if ( <> '.') and ( <> '..') then
- GetOneDirFileInfo(Json, Path + SearchRec.Name + '\');
- end else
- begin
- FileName := Path + SearchRec.Name;
- try
- if FileExists(FileName) then
- begin
- json_sub := Pub.GetJson;
- json_sub.SO; //初始化 或 json.Init;
- json_sub.S['filename'] :=;
- json_sub.S['RelativePath'] := GetDeliBack(FileName, FromPath);
- json_sub.S['FileTime'] := FileGetFileTimeA(FileName);
- json_sub.I['size'] := SearchRec.Size;
- json.A['list'] := json_sub;
- end;
- except
- //print(ExceptionParam)
- end;//}
- end;
- Status := FindNext(SearchRec);
- end;
- finally
- FindClose(SearchRec);
- SearchRec.Free;
- end;//*)
- end;
- %>
- <%
- begin
- FromPath := 'D:\code\delphi\sign\发行文件'; //下载源目录
- json := Pub.GetJson; //这样创建json对象不需要自己释放,系统自动管理
- json.SO; //初始化 或 json.Init;
- // 验证是否登录代码
- {if not Request.IsLogin('Logined') then
- begin
- json.S['retcode'] := '300';
- json.S['retmsg'] := '你还没有登录(no logined)!';
- print(json.AsJson(true));
- exit;
- end;//}
- json.S['retcode'] := '200';
- json.S['retmsg'] := '成功!';
- if Request.V('opr') = '1' then
- begin //获取服务上指定目录的文件信息
- GetOneDirFileInfo(Json, FromPath);
- end else
- if Request.V('opr') = '2' then
- begin //下载指定文件给定大小的块
- FromPath := PathWithSlash(FromPath);
- RelativePath := Request.V('fn');
- FileName := FromPath + RelativePath;
- Fs := Pub.GetFS(FileName, fmShareDenyWrite, ErrStr);
- if trim(ErrStr) <> '' then
- begin
- json.S['retcode'] := '300';
- json.S['retmsg'] := ErrStr;
- print(json.AsJson(true));
- exit;
- end;
- Fs.Position := StrToInt(Request.V('pos'));
- Response.ContentStream := TMemoryStream.Create; //注意不能用 Pub.GetMs,这是因为Pub.GetMs创建的对象在动态脚本运行完就释放了
- Response.ContentStream.CopyFrom(Fs, StrToInt(Request.V('size')));
- //返回流数据
- Response.ContentType := 'application/octet-stream';
- end;
- print(json.AsJson(true));
- end;
- %>
- procedure TMainForm.UpgradeBlock_Run(var ThreadRetInfo: TThreadRetInfo);
- const
- BlockSize = 1024*1024; //1M
- var
- HTML, ToPath, RelativePath, FN, Tmp, TmpFileName, FailFiles, SuccFiles, Newfn, TmpToPath: string;
- Json, TmpJson: TminiJson;
- lp, I, Number, HadUpSize, AllSize, AllBlockCount, MySize, MyNumber: Int64;
- Flag: boolean;
- SL, SLDate, SLSize, SLTmp: TStringlist;
- MS: TMemoryStream;
- Fs: TFileStream;
- procedure HintMsg(Msg: string);
- begin
- FMyMsg := Msg; // '正在获取文件列表。。。';
- ThreadRetInfo.Self.Synchronize(ThreadRetInfo.Self, MyUpdateface); //为什么不直接用匿名,因为laz不支持
- end;
- begin
- ToPath := 'D:\superhtml'; //如果是当前程序更新 ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0))
- ThreadRetInfo.Ok := false;
- HintMsg('正在获取文件列表。。。');
- if not HttpPost('/接口/同步文件到客户端.html?opr=1',
- '', ThreadRetInfo.ErrStr, ThreadRetInfo.HTML) then exit;
- if Pos('{', ThreadRetInfo.HTML) <> 1 then
- begin
- ThreadRetInfo.ErrStr :='请先检查脚本源码是否配置正确!';
- exit;
- end;
- ToPath := Pub.PathWithSlash(ToPath);
- Json := TminiJson.Create;
- SL := TStringlist.Create;
- SLDate := TStringlist.Create;
- SLSize := TStringlist.Create;
- SLTmp := TStringlist.Create;
- try
- Json.LoadFromString(ThreadRetInfo.HTML);
- if json.S['retcode'] = '200' then
- begin
- TmpJson := json.A['list'];
- for lp := 0 to TmpJson.length - 1 do
- begin
- HintMsg(lp.ToString + '/' + TmpJson.length.ToString + '正在检查文件:' + RelativePath);
- RelativePath := TmpJson[lp].S['RelativePath'];
- if trim(RelativePath) = '' then Continue;
- Flag := FileExists(ToPath + RelativePath);
- if Flag then
- begin
- if (PubFile.FileGetFileTimeA(ToPath + RelativePath) = TmpJson[lp].S['FileTime']) and
- (PubFile.FileGetFileSize(ToPath + RelativePath) = TmpJson[lp].I['Size']) then
- else
- Flag := false;
- end;
- if not Flag then //此文件需要更新
- begin
- SL.Add(RelativePath);
- SLDate.Add(TmpJson[lp].S['FileTime']);
- SLSize.Add(TmpJson[lp].S['Size']);
- end;
- end;
- //开始下载
- FailFiles := '';
- SuccFiles := '';
- HintMsg('需要更新的文件共有' + IntToStr(SL.Count) + '个。。。');
- for lp := 0 to SL.Count - 1 do
- begin
- RelativePath := SL[lp];
- if RelativePath[1] = '\' then RelativePath := Copy(RelativePath, 2, MaxInt);
- FN := ToPath + RelativePath;
- //先计算要分几个包,以处理进度
- Number := 0;
- HadUpSize := 0;
- AllSize := StrToInt64(SLSize[lp]);
- AllBlockCount := 0;
- while true do
- begin
- AllBlockCount := AllBlockCount + 1;
- if AllSize - HadUpSize >= BlockSize then
- MySize := BlockSize
- else
- MySize := AllSize - HadUpSize;
- HadUpSize := HadUpSize + MySize;
- if HadUpSize >= AllSize then
- break;
- end;
- //开始分块下载
- Number := 0;
- HadUpSize := 0;
- //AllSize := Fs.Size;
- //TmpToPath := PubFile.FileGetTemporaryPath;
- Newfn := '@_' + PubPWD.GetMd5(SLDate[lp] + SLSize[lp]) + ExtractFileName(FN); //Pub.GetClientUniqueCode;
- if FileExists(ToPath + Newfn) and (FileExists(FN)) then
- begin
- SLTmp.LoadFromFile(ToPath + Newfn);
- MyNumber := StrToInt64(trim(SLTmp.Text));
- Fs := TFileStream.Create(FN, fmOpenWrite);
- end else
- begin
- MyNumber := 0;
- Fs := TFileStream.Create(FN, fmCreate);
- end;
- try
- while true do
- begin
- HintMsg('正在下载文件[' + Pub.GetDeliBack(RelativePath, '@@') + ']第[' + IntToStr(Number + 1) + '/' + IntToStr(AllBlockCount) + ']个包。。。');
- if AllSize - HadUpSize >= BlockSize then
- MySize := BlockSize
- else
- MySize := AllSize - HadUpSize;
- Number := Number + 1;
- if (MyNumber = 0) or (Number >= MyNumber) or (HadUpSize + MySize >= AllSize) then
- begin
- for I := 1 to 2 do //意外出错重试一次
- begin
- if not HttpPost('/接口/同步文件到客户端.html?opr=2fn=' + UrlEncode(RelativePath) +
- 'pos=' + UrlEncode(IntToStr(HadUpSize)) + 'size=' + UrlEncode(IntToStr(MySize)),
- '', ThreadRetInfo.ErrStr, ThreadRetInfo.HTML, MS) then
- begin
- if I = 2 then
- begin
- ThreadRetInfo.ErrStr := Json.S['retmsg'];
- exit;
- end else
- Continue;
- end;
- if Pos('{', ThreadRetInfo.HTML) < 1 then
- begin
- if I = 2 then
- begin
- ThreadRetInfo.ErrStr := Json.S['retmsg'];
- exit;
- end else
- Continue;
- end;
- Json.LoadFromString(ThreadRetInfo.HTML);
- if json.S['retcode'] <> '200' then
- begin
- if I = 2 then
- begin
- ThreadRetInfo.ErrStr := Json.S['retmsg'];
- exit;
- end else
- Continue;
- end;
- break;
- end;
- if MS = nil then
- begin
- ThreadRetInfo.ErrStr := '没能下载到文件[' + RelativePath + ']!' + json.S['retmsg'];
- exit;
- end else
- begin
- Fs.Position := HadUpSize;
- MS.Position := 0;
- Fs.CopyFrom(MS, MS.Size);
- MS.Free;
- MS := nil;
- SLTmp.Text := Number.ToString;
- try
- SLTmp.SaveToFile(ToPath + Newfn);
- except
- end;
- end;
- end;
- HadUpSize := HadUpSize + MySize;
- if HadUpSize >= AllSize then
- begin //全部下载完成
- Fs.Free;
- Fs := nil;
- Sleep(10);
- PubFile.FileChangeFileDate(Fn, SLDate[lp]);
- DeleteFile(ToPath + Newfn);
- SuccFiles := SuccFiles + #13#10 + RelativePath;
- break;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- if Fs <> nil then
- Fs.Free;
- end;
- end;
- ThreadRetInfo.HTML := '';
- if trim(SuccFiles) <> '' then
- ThreadRetInfo.HTML := '本次更新了以下文件:'#13#10 + SuccFiles;
- //if trim(FailFiles) <> '' then
- //ThreadRetInfo.HTML := trim(ThreadRetInfo.HTML + #13#10'以下文件更新失败:'#13#10 + FailFiles);
- end;
- finally
- SLTmp.Free;
- SLSize.Free;
- SL.Free;
- Json.Free;
- SLDate.Free;
- end;
- ThreadRetInfo.Ok := true;
- end;